This lab aims to introduce the Renesas RL78/G23 development tools and provide guidance on:

  1. Installation of e² studio for RL78
  2. First time launch of e² studio
  3. Creating an RL78 project
  4. Configuring (using the Smart Configurator), building & debugging an RL78 project from scratch.
Please read the important notes below carefully and then click the Get Started! button to start the lab.

Important Notes


The following are the requirements of the lab - without first completing or acquiring the following list items - the lab will not be achievable.

Useful Links

The following are links which some may find useful for this excercise as well as some extra reading/reference material.

  1. e2studio Landing page
  2. RL78 Landing page
  3. My Renesas Registration Page
  4. RL78/G23 128p FPB landing page
  5. Smart Configurator User Manual (RL78 API Reference)

Support & Contact

To report any bugs or issues with this lab or for any technical querries on the contents - please see the support page or contact your local sales rep.